Cristian Boboila




Wang PY*, Boboila C*, Chin M, Higashi-Howard A, Shamash P, Wu Z, Stein NP, Abbott LF, Axel R. Neuron, 2020 Oct 14;108(1):209-224.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.07.033.

*equal contribution.


Liang Z, Kumar V, Le Bouteiller M, Zurita J, Kenrick J, Lin SG, Lou J, Hu J, Ye AY, Boboila C, Alt FW, Frock RL. PNAS. 2021 May 25;118(21):e2103630118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2103630118.

Robust chromosomal DNA repair via alternative end-joining in the absence of X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 1 (XRCC1)

Boboila C.*, Oksenych V.*, Gostissa M., Wang J.H., Zha S., Zhang Y., Chai H., Lee C.S., Jankovic M., Saez L.M., Nussenzweig M.C., McKinnon P.J., Alt F.W., Schwer B.* PNAS (2012) 109 (7), 2473-2478

*equal contribution.

Immature B cells preferentially switch to IgE with increased direct Sm to Se recombination

Wesemann D.R., Magee J.M., Boboila C., Calado DP., Gallagher M.P., Portuguese A.J., Manis J.P., Zhou X., Recher M., Rajewsky K., Notarangelo L.D., Alt FW. Journal of Experimental Medicine (2011) 208(13), 2733-46

ATM damage response and XLF repair factor are functionally redundant in joining DNA breaks

Zha S.*, Guo C.*, Boboila C., Oksenych V., Cheng HL., Zhang Y., Wesemann DR., Yuen G., Patel H., Goff PH., Dubois RL., Alt FW. Nature (2011) 469, 250–254

*equal contribution.

The role of mechanistic factors in promoting chromosomal translocations found in lymphoid and other cancers

Zhang Y., Gostissa M., Hildebrand D.G., Becker M.S., Boboila C., Chiarle R., Lewis S., Alt F.W. Advances in Immunology (2010) 106, 93-133.


Alternative end-joining catalyzes class switch recombination in the absence of both Ku70 and DNA ligase 4

Boboila C., Yan C., Wesemann D.R., Jankovic M., Wang J.H., Manis J., Nussenzweig A., Nussenzweig M., Alt F.W. Journal of Experimental Medicine (2010) 207(2), 417-27.


Alternative end-joining catalyzes robust IgH locus deletions and translocations in the combined absence of ligase 4 and Ku70

Boboila C.*, Jankovic M.*, Yan C.T.*, Wang J.H., Wesemann D.R., Zhang T., Fazeli A., Feldman L., Nussenzweig A., Nussenzweig M., Alt F.W. PNAS (2010) 107(7), 3034-9.

*equal contribution.

Downstream class switching leads to IgE antibody production by B lymphocytes lacking IgM switch regions

Zhang T., Franklin A., Boboila C., McQuay A., Gallagher M.P., Manis J.P., Khamlichi A.A., Alt F.W. PNAS (2010) 107(7), 3040-5.


Mre11: roles in DNA repair beyond homologous recombination

Zha S., Boboila C., Alt F.W. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology (2009) 16(8), 798-800.


B cell antigen receptor signal strength and peripheral B cell development are regulated by a 9-O-acetyl sialic acid esterase

Cariappa A., Takematsu H., Liu H., Diaz S., Haider K., Boboila C., Kalloo G., Connole M., Shi H.N., Varki N., Varki A., Pillai S. Journal of Experimental Medicine (2009) 206(1), 125-38.

DNA-PKcs and Artemis function in the end-joining phase of immunoglobulin heavy chain class switch recombinatioN

Franco S., Murphy M.M., Li G., Borjeson T., Boboila C., Alt F.W. Journal of Experimental Medicine (2008) 205(3), 557-64.

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IgH class switching and translocations use a robust non-classical end-joining pathway

Yan C.T., Boboila C., Souza E.K., Franco S., Hickernell T.R., Murphy M., Gumaste S., Geyer M., Zarrin A.A., Manis J.P., Rajewsky K., Alt F.W. Nature (2007) 449(7161), 478-82.


The recirculating B cell pool contains two functionally distinct, long-lived, posttransitional, follicular B cell populations

Cariappa A., Boboila C., Moran S.T., Liu H., Shi H.N., Pillai S. The Journal of Immunology. (2007) 179(4), 2270-81

Synergism between NF-kappa B1/p50 and Notch2 during the development of marginal zone B lymphocytes

Moran S.T., Cariappa A., Liu H., Muir B., Sgroi D., Boboila C., Pillai S. The Journal of Immunology (2007) 179(1), 195-200.

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Protein kinase C-associated kinase is not required for the development of peripheral B lymphocyte populations

Moran S.T., Cariappa A,. Liu H., Boboila C., Shi H.N., Holland P.M., Peschon J.J., Pillai S. Molecular Immunology (2006) 43(10), 1694-9.

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Mutational analysis of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated N-nucleotide addition in V(D)J recombination

Repasky J., Corbett E., Boboila C., Schatz D.G. The Journal of Immunology (2004) 172(9), 5478-88.